2.8 million. That's how much this year's Operakällaren Foundation fundraiser managed to raise. The money from this year's event will ensure that 4,000 people in the community of Wega Tebeta in Ethiopia get clean water.

On 25 October, we organised the Operakällaren Foundation 2021 in support of WaterAid. The day traditionally started with a breakfast seminar at Operakällaren. The breakfast seminar was chaired by Steffo Törnquist and Jenny Strömstedt and was attended by Johan Rockström, Zeinab Badawi, Jan Eliasson and Ola Rosling. The theme of the breakfast seminar was how climate change affects the world through water changes.
Johan Rockström is one of the leading climate scientists in the world, and he gave us an update on the latest climate research.
Zeinab Badawi, one of the world's most famous TV journalists, spoke about how the media can better report on the climate crisis.
Ola Rosling is the founder of Gapminder, and he explained in a very inspiring way how we are all wrong about the state of the world.
Jan Eliasson, former Deputy Secretary-General of the UN, gave us a forward-looking look at the role water will play in future conflicts.
Banquet at Operakällaren
The evening's banquet included auctions of works by artists Nathalia Edenmont and Hanna Ekegren, and photographers Brian Duffy, Ivan da Silva and Karonlina Henke. Other auctions included gifts from Breitling, Pahlén and Turkish Airlines. Noora Noor and Albin Lee Meldau performed fantastic music.
During the banquet, SEK 2.8 million was raised in favour of WaterAid's work in Ethiopia. The money will go to a project in Weha Tebeta in Ethiopia. The project will provide 4,000 people in Wega Tebeta with clean drinking water.
We would like to thank all our guests who made Operakällaren Foundation 2021 such a success. A special thank you to all of you who donated items, gave gifts or in other ways contributed to us being able to reach vulnerable people in Ethiopia with clean water. Thank you all!